Voting in the Highlands

Voting at the Ford School increased participation a great deal; however,  when an Hispanic man in 2003 nearly beat a white incumbent, City Council moved voting  outside the neighborhood. For years we tried but failed to convince City Hall of the injustice. Voting dropped by 30%, hitting a low       of 9% of registered voters.

In 2014, we argued at the newly-created Human Rights Commission that the removal of voting from the school was a violation of the rights of Highlands voters.  Here is our complaint:

Please return voting to our SchoolData compilation

Ford School Exterior Voter turnout since polling place was pulled Historical voting differences per Ward
Racial diversity differences in Wards Density facts Failure to address the needs...
Transportation issue trip to vote Crossing route 1A
Physical barriers to voting Determined to vote! Ford School ramp is fully accessible
Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.19.39 PM Collecting signatures Community translators

The following is our “day in court,” beginning at 6 minutes:

The Commission agreed unanimously that Highlands’ voters rights had been violated. However, City Council President Dan Cahill would not entertain a vote on the issue before Council. The Election Commissioner has refused to restore voting to the school, claiming that the handicap ramp that serves 500 children is ‘not compliant with the law.’